Our band program runs for students in years 4 - 6 and consists of small group tutorials and whole band rehearsals. The band is split into two sections; the Training Band for students in their first year of tuition; and Performing Band for students with 1+ years of experience. Students are able to express their interest in joining the band program at the end of year 3.
We offer a variety of instruments including trumpet, clarinet, flute, baritone, trombone, saxophone and percussion. No prior experience is required, our Training Band starts at the very beginning.
Band students have the opportunity to perform at a variety of school events and the St George Performing Arts Festival. We offer band camp as an additional activity for the students to attend and improve their skills.
Rehearsals and tutorials happen at school on Tuesday mornings and are run by our conductor, Mr Robinson and his team of specialist music tutors.
For more information, contact Mr Wiltshire.
All students are invited to be members our Junior (K-2) and Senior (3-6) school choirs. Rehearsals for the school choirs occur during lunch time when teachers are available. These can be varied according to teachers' commitments and other responsibilities. The 3-6 choir participates in the St George Performing Arts Festival which incurs an additional fee and out-of-school hours performances. Various other performance opportunities occur throughout the year such as Education Week, Presentation Day and whole school assemblies.
For more information contact Mrs Nakamura (K-2) or Mrs Manolias (3-6).
Students in years 3-6 have the opportunity to join the primary dance group. Our Primary Dance Group is currently made up of 19 dedicated CPS students from years 3-6 who have been attending the weekly dance lessons lead by Kat and Jenna from Groove Nation Dance School. The devoted students have been turning up before school every Thursday in the hall and have perfected a dance that transports us into the whimsical world of Dr Seuss. With colourful costumes, lively choreography and infectious energy, our talented dancers bring to life the beloved characters and stories of Dr Seuss in a joyful performance of a medley of tunes from “Seussical the Musical”.
The dancers have performed at Education Week Assembly and are excited to perform on Presentation Day. They have also had the opportunity to perform at the SPAF (St George Performing Arts Festival) at The Pavilion Sutherland, and the dancers are looking forward to showcasing their talents at The Combined Schools Concert which will be held at The Hurstville Entertainment Centre on in November.
Contact Mrs McCarley or Miss Sutherland for further information.
The DanceSport Gala is open to all Year 5 students from public schools in the Metropolitan South Operational Directorate and surrounding areas. It is a culmination of a ballroom dance program that promotes respectful relationships.
The brainchild of Sandra Nori, former parliamentarian and Minister for Sport and Recreation, and in partnership with Dr Phil Lambert and the Department of Education, the first event in 2006 began with just six schools. The DanceSport program was developed to engage Year 5 public school children in healthy physical activity, as well as promoting respect and mutual cooperation between boys and girls.
By 2016, the program had grown into an exciting event of over 1400 Year 5 primary age students dancing the Jive, Salsa, Cha Cha and Tango. Under dazzling lights and the tough scrutiny of judges, the school representatives go head-to-head in a wonderful display of colour, movement, energy, and sheer joy!
Rehersals are held before school on Wednesday mornings. Please contact Mr Patakos or Mr Beardsley for further information.
There are a vairety of sporting opportunties students can participate in across the year. Carlton works in partnership with many external providers to provide students with opportunites to experience a range of sports such as AFL, futsal, cricket, dance, gymnatsics and swimming. It addition, there are organised programs primary aged students can opt to try out for.
PSSA sport is an opportunity for students to participate in competitive sport against schools in our zone; learn the rules and skills of new sports; and develop values such as sportsmanship and resilience. Try outs for PSSA occur during school time before the PSSA season begins. PSSA is split into two seasons, Winter and Summer. PSSA sport runs Friday mornings during the PSSA seasons and training happens during lunch time or before school.
Winter PSSA (Terms 2 - 3)
Football (Soccer) - Girls and Boys Teams
Netball - Mixed Teams
Oztag - Mixed Teams
Summer PSSA (Terms 3 - 4)
Cricket - Mixed Teams
Softball - Girls and Boys Teams
AFL (Seniors only) - Boys and Girls Teams
We run 3 sports carnivals across the year; Swimming, Athletics and Cross Country. Students are able to compete and participate in a variety of races and events. Our school sends representatives from each event to compete at the Botany Bay Zone Carnivals that happen soon after our school events. From there, talented individuals can follow the representative pathways to the Sydney East, State and National Carnivals.
For more information, contact Ms Boesen, Mrs Hanley or Mr McGaughey.
Each Stage holds public speaking contests each year. Classroom heats are held with a representative chosen from each class for Stage Finals. Times for finals are advertised in the newsletter.
The Greater Sydney/ Multicultural Perspectives Public Speaking Competitions
The Greater Sydney/ Multicultural Perspective Speaking Competitions are open to NSW government primary and central school students. They will deliver speeches on a variety of topics. Any enquiries about these competitions should be directed to your child's class teacher or Mrs Colubriale.
DEBATING (Years 5 and 6)
Our Debating team offers six stage 3 students the opportunity to hone their skills and participate in competitive debates. The team is chosen with a two round impromptu and planned audition where students have a chance to show their talents as well as learn from other. Our team practises once a week and learns the basics and some advance strategies in order to prepare us for the four in person debates.
As a member of the debating team each student will have an opportunity to try one of the four different roles and be fully involved the teams structure. Our school competes with 7 other schools in the area so they can ultimately place in a showdown where the winner takes on another district. It is an excellent opportunity to developed better interpersonal and intrapersonal skills.
All enquiries regarding debating should be directed to Mr Wiltshire.
The garden club is available for any student at Carlton Public School throughout the year. Interested students participate in gardening activities within the garden area during Monday lunch time. The students are involved in a range of hands-on activities such as weeding, planting, mulching, watering, harvesting and composting. Through these experiences, students develop essential life skills like teamwork, cooperation, collaboration, responsibility and environmental citizenship.
Please contact Mrs Manolias, Miss Schulze or Miss Sutherland for further information.
Selected students from Stage 3 are nominated by their class teachers to participate in the Maths Olympiad competition which commences in May each year. The competition consists of 5 rounds of complex mathematical problem-solving tasks. Individual students answer 5 questions in each round. Carlton PS currently has a team consisting of 30 students. The school has a proud history with consistent performances in the top 30 schools in Australia. Miss Flowers coordinates this popular Stage 3 program.
Theragames is a social skills and wellbeing program that uses targeted games, modelled scenarios and role playing activities. This program is run with a focus on a different stage each term designed to address particular social needs and support students in their interactions in the classroom and playground. This club is run on Tuesday lunch times with students that have been nominated by their classroom teachers and parents. Please contact Mrs Gangi or Miss McKenna with any enquiries.
K-2 students are welcome to join the Lego Club which is run each Thursday lunch time in A Block. Lego club provides students with an opportunity to foster creativity, communication and collaboration. Students have the opportunity to create their own designs or work in collaboration with other students on joint projects over the term. Please contact Miss Kidson or Miss Schulze for further information.
Chess Club is provided by an external company called the Sydney Academy of Chess. They provide chess coaches and offer classes from 8am-9am on Monday morning. This activity occurs in the library. For more details about this Club contact 0297451170 or visit their website
Greek language lessons are provided on Friday afternoon from 3.15pm-6.15pm in Block A. If you would like to find out more about Greek school, visit the website or contact 0432291226.